The forest mod api always holding a boar head
The forest mod api always holding a boar head

the forest mod api always holding a boar head

Now these fragments are called Surtlings.

the forest mod api always holding a boar head

So all the fragments of him were Surtr still, but much weaker in power thought and memory.

the forest mod api always holding a boar head

You could not say 'This is the arm of Surtr' or 'This is the head of Surtr' because every part was Surtr. One wise man once said "He who was made of fire was fire in every part of him". They smited Surtr with his swords and hammers so hard that his fiery substance was shattered into many small pieces.

the forest mod api always holding a boar head

The story goes like this: "Once there was a great demon called Surtr who was brought down and destroyed by the First Men, giant warriors of whom you are but a dwindling echo. They are many but act as one, they did come from the same evil afterall. I leave this stone as a warning and go now to make my dwelling on higher ground.Īlthough the surtlings appear small on the outside, they are very wicked on the inside. Bad dreams and a soggy bed are all you will find. Heed the words of poor Ulf and do not build your house beside the murky waters. O godess, grant me a beard like Bjorn's so that I might win her heart! I leave this stone to honour great Freya. look upon this great and noble sight, wanderer in a strange land! Then take to your heels and run.Īstrid will not look at me twice. It has been centuries since any in Midgard saw the great trolls stamp flat the land and bring down trees for joy. The will of Odin has pushed them back into the dark places.īut in Valheim they have flourished. Few and forlorn, they crouch in damp caves and gnaw on the bones of the weak and foolhardy. The trolls of Midgard may be fading from your memory, as indeed they are from all the race of man. Or put it to the torch, for it fears the flame. Should you who read this see one with a sword to your hand, lance it and let it out. It should not walk but when the night comes it walks. It gathers up the peat into flesh, braids reeds into bone and takes rags for skin. When the soul of a murderer or a great sinner rots under the ground, it makes a hollow cyst which draws rock and wood and moss to it. There is nothing on their tongues or behind their eyes, those who fear nothing should still fear them. They are born from rot and rainfall, they spring like mushrooms from the smoking soil. Let all who read me beware of the Greydwarfs, the skulkers in darkness, the soulless ones. Now the raven guides me and I fight the great beasts in Odin's name. I know nothing of my life before I came here but my arm remembers the sword and my eyes see the course of the arrows. I was Astrid, a shieldmaiden of the forest. now he writes them on this stone to help others. These things Ulf has learned for himself. Finally, you must have a door or it will be much harder to go in and out. Then you will need walls to stop the roof from falling down. You will need to craft a roof to keep out the rain. You will find here good stone and wood, all you need to build a house. Heed these words of Ulf, a poor settler in a strange land. Go quietly to them and let them eat of your stock. They fear fire and the hand of man but they can be taught to obey it. Look also to the wild boar who roam these lands. Take comfort, traveler, in the gifts before you, the good wood and stone, the fruits and flowers of the forest. This land is hard and wild but we who are brought here are harder still. If you hold your life dear, keep to these meadows and make your dwelling away from the trees. The path ahead is hard and the dangers great. We are many who have come before you, carried by Odin's will to do his work. Hold, traveler, and bear witness to my warning. Or maybe you will be one of the strong warriors who will prove their worth and earn the favor of the gods, then your place will be in Valhalla - a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, and by your side Odin. For those who don't prove their worth though, the only place they will find is Hel - The underworld, where their soul will be tormented for centuries. Only by surviving and fighting in a harsh environment with many mythical monsters and beasts will you prove your worth to the gods. In order to prove your worth you have been sent to the 10th Norse world - Valheim.

The forest mod api always holding a boar head